Mark Severin


Mark Severin began producing ex-libris during the second World War, before he was 35.  

Ex-Libris were of great significance to the artist, and it is to these that he gave the best of himself.

A tribute to women is a prevalent theme in Severin's engravings, and he portrayed sexuality not al vulgar or aggresive,

but as a natural and beautiful human expression.

One should look at his erotic bookplates as an inherent manifestation of his reverence for feminity.

Other frequent ex-libris motifs are landscapes, heraldry and ships, all of which were important passions in Severin's life.

He prefered small engravings because they allowed for perfection of forms and a delightful charm which gave them a private,

intimate character not easily accessible to a broad public.  

Severin's early bookplates are of less importance, but as he continued to develop his skill and style,

his ex-libris brought him celebrity in Europe and the United States,

and he is considered one of the great masters of fine engraving.

Mark Severin

Book Illustrations


In just over fifty years, Mark has illustrated twenty-six books.  

This may seem a small number, yet it covers a wide range of topics; of the earlier drawings about the people in Belgium and the Netherlands, the ships that passionated him so much, the humorous drawings for the poems of Serraillier, to the beautiful girls that he could portray like no other in all shapes and erotic poses.

Mark Severin

Wood Engraving


Dazzled by the work of some engravers from the old past, Mark threw himself into the wood engraving.

He achieved such excellence that, in 1948, he was asked as a teacher by the Antwerp Academy.

Although the number of wood engravings seems rather limited, however, the quality shows the true master!

Mark Severin

In Colour


Mark Severin has produced many more works in colour than in black and white, a fact that many bookplate collectors most probably do not realize.

Quite early on in his career, he made colour sketches, posters, illustrations, educational pictures, and full colour pages for die Woche, and Sport im Bild.

Next to the calenders, shells and fabulous beings, one will also find paintings, mural frescoes, works on glass, stained glass,

picturesque geographical maps, book jackets and illustrations.